Movie Night + Landscaping/Gardening Update

It is not traveling around the world, but it has been a journey! I bought my house 10 years ago and never really did as much to the inside or outside as I would have liked — you know, adding particular areas and designs that make it “ours.” Quarantine has really given me the bug (and I know many others, too) to garden, and design personal living spaces.

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On the Beaten Path. Summer Fun in Oklahoma.

There are quite a few things to do in Oklahoma that are family friendly, fun and will make good memories. In Oklahoma, we have 10 distinct ecological regions. Some of those regions include arid plains to mountains and subtropical forests, so there are plenty of activities to be found in Oklahoma on the beaten path, or even off the beaten path.
Continue reading “On the Beaten Path. Summer Fun in Oklahoma.”

Weekend Getaway to Galveston, Texas

Sometimes you just need to get away. Get away from the grind of work and your every day mundane life that, after time, seems to suck all the energy right out of you. Maybe it’s just me, but I doubt it. Taking the kids to and from school, after school activities, the office, sitting at a desk in front of one or more computer monitors day in and day out – adulting from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and sometimes on the weekend when you just can’t seem to catch up. Sound familiar? Continue reading “Weekend Getaway to Galveston, Texas”

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